
Creation of Speech to Text Model

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Voice AI



  • The Voice AI project aims to implement a Speech-to-Text system using the Hugging Face Whisper ASR models.
  • The primary objectives include accurate transcription of Marathi audio and model fine-tuning for improved performance.

Problem Statement:

  • Addressing the challenge of accurate Marathi speech transcription is crucial for applications like transcription services, voice assistants, and accessibility tools.
  • Inaccurate transcription affects user experience and accessibility for Marathi speakers


  • The project utilizes the Hugging Face Whisper ASR models for automatic speech recognition. Fine-tuning strategies.
  • PEFT (Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning) and LORA (Low-Rank Adaptation) technique is explored for efficient training.

Data Collection and Preprocessing:

  • Common Voice Marathi dataset from Mozilla Foundation is used.
  • Data preprocessing involves down-sampling audio to 16kHz, feature extraction, and tokenization using the Whisper models' feature extractor and tokenizer.

Model Architecture:

  • The Whisper ASR models, specifically Whisper Small and Large versions, serve as the primary architecture and used for comparison
  • PEFT and LORA adaptations are applied to improve training efficiency and adaptation to specific tasks.

Training and Fine-Tuning:

  • The Seq2SeqTrainingArguments and Seq2SeqTrainer from the Hugging Face Transformers library are utilized for model training.
  • Fine-tuning strategies are applied to optimize model performance.

Evaluation Metrics:

  • Word Error Rate (WER) is employed as the primary metric for evaluating model performance.
  • The goal is to minimize WER, ensuring accurate transcription of Marathi speech.
  • Before fine tuning used provided test dataset in whisper large-v3, calculated Average WER is 0.73 and Whisper small Average WER is 0.93

Challenges Faced:

Challenges encountered during the project include GPU memory limitations, fine-tuning difficulties, and handling large models. Strategies to overcome these challenges are discussed.

  • Storage Constraints: The limited storage capacity in Google Colab posed a challenge, preventing the completion of additional fine-tuning steps due to insufficient space for model checkpoints and intermediate results.
  • Low GPU Resources: The free version of Google Colab provided inadequate GPU capacity, hindering the fine-tuning of larger and more complex models. This limitation impacted the training efficiency and overall model performance.
  • Model Complexity vs Steps: Balancing increased model complexity with a lower number of fine-tuning steps presented a challenge. The compromise led to a higher Word Error Rate (WER), indicating the impact of insufficient training steps on the model's language understanding and transcription accuracy.


  • Due to storage and GPU limitations, the Voice AI project faced challenges, leading to incomplete fine-tuning, reduced model performance, and trade-offs in model size. These constraints may result in suboptimal transcription accuracy and language understanding .
  • This Fine tuning was not working as expected. But I tried my best to perform tuning.

Future Work:

  • Future enhancements will involve exploring additional pre-trained models, incorporating more diverse datasets, and experimenting with alternative fine-tuning techniques with adequate GPU and Storage.


Project Execution:

Note: All code explanations has given in the google colab-notebook