
Error when using plugin with Material for MkDocs

zeldridge opened this issue · 2 comments

I get this error when trying to use the plugin with Material for MkDocs. What am I doing wrong?


prcr commented

Hello @zeldridge,

I'll have a closer look later today, but in the meanwhile, could you provide a few more details to help me reproduce the issue?

Please let me know:

  • The contents of your mkdocs.yml file (or at least the markdown_extensions and plugins configurations)
  • Which version of MkDocs Material are you using? Are you using the Insiders version?
  • Do you get any errors when you run mkdocs build?
prcr commented

I was finally able to reproduce the error that you came across.

As far as I could understand, you're using MkDocs Material theme's schema.json file to validate the syntax of your mkdocs.yml file. However, this schema only accepts the built-in plugins of the Material theme and a few others.

You can safely ignore the error for now, as long as your site builds correctly when you run mkdocs build.

➡️ Even so, I'll leave this issue open, as I'd like to create a schema.json file for this plugin and then ask the MkDocs Material maintainer to include it in their schema. This would make the validation error disappear.