ReferenceError: self is not defined
IRediTOTO opened this issue · 3 comments
IRediTOTO commented
error - ./styles/base.min.css
ReferenceError: self is not defined
Hi, I got this error with @zeit/next-css
the css file import from _app.js
module.exports = withPreact(
webpack(config) {
// retrieve the rule without knowing its order
const jsLoaderRule = config.module.rules.find(
(rule) => rule.test instanceof RegExp && rule.test.test(".js")
const linariaLoader = {
loader: "linaria/loader",
options: {
displayName: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production",
sourceMap: false,
if (Array.isArray(jsLoaderRule.use)) {
} else {
jsLoaderRule.use = [jsLoaderRule.use, linariaLoader];
return config;
sventschui commented
Thanks for the report. I tracked down the issue to be an incompatibility between mini-css-extract-plugin
and prefresh. I'll take a deeper look
sventschui commented
Thanks to @JoviDeCroock we could track down the issue to be in the prefresh next.js plugin. I'll work with him to provide a fix
sventschui commented
@JoviDeCroock just published @prefresh/next@1.3.0
where we fixed this issue. I published next-plugin-preact@3.0.2
that will upgrade @prefresh/next
. If you upgrade your deps it should all work now.