
WARNING:googleads.common:Your default encoding, cp1252, is not UTF-8. Please run this script with UTF-8 encoding to avoid errors.

JackMuratYilmaz opened this issue · 1 comments

  • line-item-manager version: 0.2.3
  • Python version: 3.9
  • Operating System: Windows 10 Pro


I'm trying to create line items with adunits but line item manager warns me with this message.
WARNING:googleads.common:Your default encoding, cp1252, is not UTF-8. Please run this script with UTF-8 encoding to avoid errors.

I found that my adunit names contains Turkish characters like "mysite_Desktop_İçerikArası_Top" and warning comes from googleads sdk but there is no way to change default encoding to UTF-8.

I think it will be fixed if you guys use UTF-8 as default encoding. I've also searched codes abut couldn't find where should I add this.

What I Did

My execution command is;
line_item_manager create mysite.yml -b criteo -k "Avva Mobile - Header Bidding - Service Account.json" --dry-run

@murattyilmaz I am not able to reproduce this error. It is my understanding that some of those characters you chose can not be encoded in cp1252: e.g. İ ı

I would suggest your configuration input file be in something that can be decoded as 'utf-8'.

If you provide a configuration file and how it is encoded, I might be of more assistance.