Support Team ID
bretg opened this issue · 3 comments
- line-item-manager version: all
- Python version: any
- Operating System: any
Customers who use the premium version of GAM can utilize the "teams" feature. When that happens, Orders must be created with the "appliedTeamIds" field listing which teams have access to that order.
If the service account has a team, then the orders must be created with that appliedTeamId or the order won't run.
Proposal: support an optional "appliedTeamIds" field in the YAML file. e.g.
# Orders (required)
# Allowed Templating Key Words: Bidder, Media, Order, Misc
name: "Prebid-{{ bidder_name }}-{{ media_type }}-{{ time }} {{ cpm_min }}-{{ cpm_max }}"
- 101
- 555
- 234567
(Note: my YAML is sketchy - whatever's the best way to represent an array of long ints)
If specified, add the appliedTeamIds argument to the Orders request made to the GAM API.
@bretg Is it important that the team ids are validated (I would assume by checking the GAM Team service)? Or is the assumption that they do exist acceptable?
I'd suggest letting GAM throw errors if the values supplied aren't valid.
@bretg This is now available to test as a dev release:
$ pip uninstall line-item-manager
$ pip install
$ line_item_manager --version
line-item-manager version 0.2.3-dev1
You should see the above version after installing from master.