
Getting Error - "Unhandled Promise rejection: Cannot create property '__creationTrace__' on string"

p4pramod opened this issue ยท 5 comments

I followed the steps in the readme and opened the folder in visual studio code but while loading the page
I can see an error and page is not working.

zone.js?fad3:655 Unhandled Promise rejection: Cannot create property 'creationTrace' on string '__zone_symbol__optimizedZoneEventTask' ; Zone: ; Task: Promise.then ; Value: TypeError: Cannot create property 'creationTrace' on string '_zone_symbol__optimizedZoneEventTask'
at Object.onScheduleTask (eval at 466 (polyfills.js:1405), :115:38)
at ZoneDelegate.scheduleTask (eval at 467 (polyfills.js:1412), :404:51)
at Object.onScheduleTask (eval at 467 (polyfills.js:1412), :300:29)
at ZoneDelegate.scheduleTask (eval at 467 (polyfills.js:1412), :404:51)
at Zone.scheduleTask (eval at 467 (polyfills.js:1412), :235:43)
at Zone.scheduleEventTask (eval at 467 (polyfills.js:1412), :261:25)
at eval (eval at 467 (polyfills.js:1412), :1561:29)
at BrowserPlatformLocation.onPopState (eval at (vendor.js:125), :1970:60)
at PathLocationStrategy.onPopState (eval at (vendor.js:195), :656:32)
at new Location (eval at (vendor.js:195), :318:32)
at AppModuleInjector.createInternal (module.ngfactory.js? [sm]:1)
at AppModuleInjector.NgModuleInjector.create (eval at (vendor.js:73), :3764:76)
at NgModuleFactory.create (eval at (vendor.js:73), :3737:18)
at eval (eval at (vendor.js:73), :4975:61)
at ZoneDelegate.invoke (eval at 467 (polyfills.js:1412), :391:26)
at Object.onInvoke (eval at (vendor.js:73), :4352:37)
at ZoneDelegate.invoke (eval at 467 (polyfills.js:1412), :390:32)
at (eval at 467 (polyfills.js:1412), :141:43)
at (eval at (vendor.js:73), :4221:62)
at PlatformRef
._bootstrapModuleFactoryWithZone (eval at (vendor.js:73), :4973:23)
at eval (eval at (vendor.js:73), :5015:59)
at ZoneDelegate.invoke (eval at 467 (polyfills.js:1412), :391:26)
at (eval at 467 (polyfills.js:1412), :141:43)
at eval (eval at 467 (polyfills.js:1412), :832:57)
at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (eval at 467 (polyfills.js:1412), :424:31)
at Zone.runTask (eval at 467 (polyfills.js:1412), :191:47)
at drainMicroTaskQueue (eval at 467 (polyfills.js:1412), :596:35)
at ZoneTask.invokeTask [as invoke] (eval at 467 (polyfills.js:1412), :503:21)
at invokeTask (eval at 467 (polyfills.js:1412), :1349:10)
at HTMLDocument.globalZoneAwareCallback (eval at 467 (polyfills.js:1412), :1358:13) TypeError: Cannot create property 'creationTrace' on string '_zone_symbol__optimizedZoneEventTask'
at Object.onScheduleTask (eval at 466 (http://localhost:9090/js/polyfills.js:1405:1), :115:38)
at ZoneDelegate.scheduleTask (eval at 467 (http://localhost:9090/js/polyfills.js:1412:1), :404:51)
at Object.onScheduleTask (eval at 467 (http://localhost:9090/js/polyfills.js:1412:1), :300:29)
at ZoneDelegate.scheduleTask (eval at 467 (http://localhost:9090/js/polyfills.js:1412:1), :404:51)
at Zone.scheduleTask (eval at 467 (http://localhost:9090/js/polyfills.js:1412:1), :235:43)
at Zone.scheduleEventTask (eval at 467 (http://localhost:9090/js/polyfills.js:1412:1), :261:25)
at eval (eval at 467 (http://localhost:9090/js/polyfills.js:1412:1), :1561:29)
at BrowserPlatformLocation.onPopState (eval at (http://localhost:9090/js/vendor.js:125:1), :1970:60)
at PathLocationStrategy.onPopState (eval at (http://localhost:9090/js/vendor.js:195:1), :656:32)
at new Location (eval at (http://localhost:9090/js/vendor.js:195:1), :318:32)
at AppModuleInjector.createInternal (ng:///AppModule/module.ngfactory.js:203:23)
at AppModuleInjector.NgModuleInjector.create (eval at (http://localhost:9090/js/vendor.js:73:1), :3764:76)
at NgModuleFactory.create (eval at (http://localhost:9090/js/vendor.js:73:1), :3737:18)
at eval (eval at (http://localhost:9090/js/vendor.js:73:1), :4975:61)
at ZoneDelegate.invoke (eval at 467 (http://localhost:9090/js/polyfills.js:1412:1), :391:26)
at Object.onInvoke (eval at (http://localhost:9090/js/vendor.js:73:1), :4352:37)
at ZoneDelegate.invoke (eval at 467 (http://localhost:9090/js/polyfills.js:1412:1), :390:32)
at (eval at 467 (http://localhost:9090/js/polyfills.js:1412:1), :141:43)
at (eval at (http://localhost:9090/js/vendor.js:73:1), :4221:62)
at PlatformRef
._bootstrapModuleFactoryWithZone (eval at (http://localhost:9090/js/vendor.js:73:1), :4973:23)
at eval (eval at (http://localhost:9090/js/vendor.js:73:1), :5015:59)
at ZoneDelegate.invoke (eval at 467 (http://localhost:9090/js/polyfills.js:1412:1), :391:26)
at (eval at 467 (http://localhost:9090/js/polyfills.js:1412:1), :141:43)
at eval (eval at 467 (http://localhost:9090/js/polyfills.js:1412:1), :832:57)
at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (eval at 467 (http://localhost:9090/js/polyfills.js:1412:1), :424:31)
at Zone.runTask (eval at 467 (http://localhost:9090/js/polyfills.js:1412:1), :191:47)
at drainMicroTaskQueue (eval at 467 (http://localhost:9090/js/polyfills.js:1412:1), :596:35)
at ZoneTask.invokeTask [as invoke] (eval at 467 (http://localhost:9090/js/polyfills.js:1412:1), :503:21)
at invokeTask (eval at 467 (http://localhost:9090/js/polyfills.js:1412:1), :1349:10)
at HTMLDocument.globalZoneAwareCallback (eval at 467 (http://localhost:9090/js/polyfills.js:1412:1),

Same problem.

import { Component } from '@angular/core'
selector: 'wel',
template: `{{name}}
Welcome component

<span (click)="clicked()">

export class WelcomeComponent {
public name: string;
constructor() { = 'Test';
public clicked(event: any): void { = 'Pramod';
As soon as I add Event Binding it is failing other wise it works.

The error comes from zone.js angular/zone.js#832

That is normal, that will install the broken version.

after changing to in package,json "zone.js": "0.8.5" it started working.