
matryoshka-core jvm artifact has Scala.js dependencies

gerferra opened this issue · 6 comments

Having a dependency on "com.slamdata" %% "matryoshka-core" % "0.18.0" brings the Scala.js version of monocle-core, scalaz-core and simulacrum.

This creates problems, for example, if you depend on a binary-compatible but different version of scalaz, you will have both on the classpath because sbt can't evict one of them as the artifact names are different. Also sbt-assembly will fail on merge because duplicated .class files are not equals.

I wonder when this broke. Quasar is still depending on 0.16.4, so presumably that works. My guess is 0.16.10, since that’s when we switched how we manage dependencies.

Oh, also, which version of scalac are you using, 2.11 or 2.12?

Scala 2.11

@gerferra Ok, we’re trying to sort this out and have a guess as to what happened, but if you want something ASAP, hopefully 0.16.5 will work for you. (That’s the last version we published before 0.16.10 which simultaneously enabled auto-releasing and probably broke the js dependencies.)

0.18.2 should be available on sonatype in ~10 minutes.

Great 😀 Thanks!