
Add support for GEOSHAPE index fields and WITHIN and CONTAINS query operators

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Since RediSearch 2.8, it's possible to do more advanced GEO querying with GEOSHAPE fields.

On the client side, we should provide support for Index creation and Querying. APIs should allow users to use popular WKT libraries that parse and "serialise" to WKT format (e.g.

Consider the following type-script pseudo-code:

// Geometry primitives will be used from third-party libraries and serialized to WKT
let p = new wkx.Polygon([new wkx.Point(1, 2), new wkx.Point(3, 4), new wkx.Point(5, 6), new wkx.Point(1, 2)]);

await client.hSet('land:123', {
    geometry: p.toWkt(), // Serialisation
    price: 29000

await client.ft.create('idx:land', {
    'geometry': {
        type: SchemaFieldTypes.GEOSHAPE // New field type
        COORD_SYSTEM: GeoshapeFieldCoordSystem.FLAT // Coordinate system type 
    'price': {
        type: SchemaFieldTypes.NUMERIC,
}, {
    ON: 'HASH',
    PREFIX: 'land:'

let areaOfInterest = new wkx.Polygon([new wkx.Point(1, 2), new wkx.Point(3, 4), new wkx.Point(5, 6), new wkx.Point(1, 2)]);

let result = await
    '@geometry:[WITHIN $area] @price:[20000 30000]',
        PARAMS: {
            area: areaOfInterest.toWkt()


  • Add support for GEOSHAPE fields:
    • Perform validations to allow passing only POLYGON and POINT geometry primitives.
    • Support specifying the coordinate system
  • Ensure that querying API is compatible with GEOSHAPE queries

Reference documentation: