seems to be sold
koppor opened this issue · 5 comments
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Suggestion: Remove the link from the repository information
👍 but only an owner can remove the link
Don't suppose anyone has an archive of the source to It had the User Manual and other documentation that seem useful.
Hey look, there's what appears to be a live copy of the site over at I wonder who's running that?
I believe was actually just an alias for that Berkeley site. However, none of the original developers are still at Berkeley (last person directly associated with Prefuse left in 2013 or 2014), so not sure how long the documentation there will remain online or who still has access to that server (I don't believe I do). In the meantime I've updated the link to point to the Berkeley server.
I sent a request to asking if they could track down the current site owner.
I also scraped a mirror of kneecap using HTTrack so the content (at least as presented in HTML; I dunno if the site is built from some other format) isn't lost if the server falls offline.