
Cannot place static html page in Sphinx template

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hey Team,

As you know, we've been trying to incorporate a custom index.html page in our [Jupyter Book/Sphinx] book that does not adhere to the standard theme and I've hit a roadblock.


After exploring various options, it appears that Jupyter Book and Sphinx are not designed to easily allow a completely custom index.html that diverges from the set themes so the seems unusable at this point.

Proposed Solution

The fastest way to implement our custom index.html seems to be post-build where we'd:

  1. Run the standard Jupyter Book or Sphinx build command to generate the documentation.
  2. Execute a post-build script to replace the default index.html with our custom version.

Next Steps

  • I wouldn't want to break anything with the current site so would need someone to help with this script

just open a PR with your current index.html (and any css/js assets it needs) & I'll fix it :)

Sent as a Zip file in slack to not pollute the git history

You don't pollute history with a PR