TEMG4940C Team 4 Backend API Server

This Node.js application provides a RESTful API for querying company and bond information. The application listens on port 3500.

Installation and Running

To run the application, follow these steps:

  1. Install Node.js (https://nodejs.org/en/)
  2. Clone the repository to your local machine
  3. Clone the data directory from Melvin's TEMG4940C-23Su-Team4 and move it to the root directory of this repository.
  4. Navigate to the project directory in the terminal
  5. Install the required packages by running the following command: npm install
  6. Run the application by running the following command: node index.js
  7. The application can now be accessed at http://localhost:3500

API Endpoints


Returns a simple welcome message.

GET /company

Returns information of all companies in JSON format.

GET /company/:companyID

Returns information of a specific company with the provided company ID in JSON format.

GET /company/:companyID/bond

Returns a list of bonds issued by the company with the provided company ID in JSON format.

GET /bond/:bondID

Returns information of a specific bond with the provided bond ID in JSON format.

GET /bond

Returns information of all bonds in JSON format.

GET /bond/price_history/:bondID

Returns price history of a specific bond with the provided bond ID in CSV format. If the price history does not exist, an empty array is returned.

GET /macro/corporateIncomeTaxRate/:countryCode

This endpoint returns the corporate income tax rate for a specific country. The :countryCode parameter is a 3-letter country code. The response is a JSON object containing tax rates, where each key represents a year and its corresponding value is the tax rate.

If the specified country code is not found, a 404 error is returned.

GET /macro/currentAccountBalance/:countryCode

This endpoint returns the current account balance for a specific country. The :countryCode parameter is a 3-letter country code. The response is a JSON object containing current account balances, where each key represents a quarter and its corresponding value is the current account balance at that quarter.

If the specified country code is not found, a 404 error is returned.

GET /macro/gdpPerCapita/:countryCode

This endpoint returns the GDP per capita for a specific country. The :countryCode parameter is a 3-letter country code. The response is a JSON object containing the GDP per capita, where each key represents a year and its corresponding value is the GDP per capita.

If the specified country code is not found, a 404 error is returned.

GET /macro/governmentSpending/:countryCode

This endpoint returns the government spending for a specific country. The :countryCode parameter is a 3-letter country code. The response is a JSON object containing the government spending, where each key represents a year and its corresponding value is the government spending.

If the specified country code is not found, a 404 error is returned.

GET /macro/shortTermInterestRate/:countryCode

This endpoint returns the short-term interest rate for a specific country. The :countryCode parameter is a 3-letter country code. The response is a JSON object containing the short-term interest rates, where each key represents a month and its corresponding value is the short-term interest rate at that month.

If the specified country code is not found, a 404 error is returned.

GET /macro/unemploymentRate/:countryCode

This endpoint returns the unemployment rate for a specific country. The :countryCode parameter is a 3-letter country code. The response is a JSON object containing the unemployment rate, where each key represents a month and its corresponding value is the unemployment rate at that month.

If the specified country code is not found, a 404 error is returned.

GET /macro/creditRating/:countryCode

This endpoint retrieves the credit rating information for a specific country identified by the countryCode parameter.

  • Parameters
    1. countryCode (required): A string representing the country code of the desired country.

GET /credit/bonds/:countryCode

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of bonds issued by companies based in a specific country. You can use the :countryCode parameter (3-letter country code) to specify the country you are interested in. The response will be a JSON object containing an array of bonds issued by companies headquartered in the specified country.

If the specified country code is not found, a 404 error is returned.

POST /credit/bonds

This endpoint retrieves the bonds subject to customed criterias. It accepts a POST request and expects the following parameters in the request body:

  • countries (optional): An array of country codes specifying the countries in which the company headquarters are located.
  • ratings (optional): An array of rating codes specifying the desired bond ratings.
  • issuers (optional): An array of issuer IDs specifying the desired bond issuers.

Request Body Parameters

The request body should be a JSON object with the following structure: { "countries": ["USA", "CAN"], "ratings": ["A1", "A2"], "issuers": ["4295909138", "5000021791"] }

The response will be a JSON object containing an array of bonds subject to applied criterias.

GET /prediction/:bondID

This endpoint retrieves the predicted rating migration and corresponding probabilities for a specific bond. It accepts a GET request with the bondID parameter in the URL. The API response will be a JSON object containing the predicted rating migration and probability for the specified bond.

Data Sources

The application uses the following CSV files as data sources:

./data/final_company_info.csv: contains information of all companies ./data/combined_bonds_data.csv: contains information of all bonds issued by the companies ./data/bond_prices/[RIC].csv: contains price history of the bonds, where [RIC] is the RIC code of the bond.