
When installing with Vundle, doesn't copy the autoload folder

omrihar opened this issue · 4 comments

When I install vim-colors-pencil with Vundle, the autoload and screenshots folders don't get cloned. This leads to problems with vim-airline since it can't find the pencil theme.

I've seen some discussion on Vundle about doing a shallow clone of repositories to increase performance, etc.. so perhaps it's related to that.

Hmm. Is this recent Vundle behavior, because I'd used it for more than a year without any problems?

I'll see if I can reproduce this problem this weekend.

I'm not sure this really is a Vundle problem - I saw some discussions about it in one of the issues on github (VundleVim/Vundle.vim#28) but I don't know if it was implemented. I only know that since I installed vim-colors-pencil (only recently) I got errors with airline because of the theme and when I dug in I discovered that the theme was not downloaded by Vundle. When I manually clone the repository and symlink to .vim/bundle it works fine.

I figured it out - it was my bad. Instead of putting Bundle 'reedes/vim-colors-pencil' in my .vimrc I put Bundle 'vim-colors-pencil' which meant it was cloning from vim-scripts instead of github.
I guess it might be good to synchronize the two but this is the origin of my problem. I now changed my .vimrc file and everything works perfectly.

Thanks for the cool theme by the way!

Aha! A good point that I should refresh the vim-scripts version, which lags way behind the github version.