
problems installing

arnauldb opened this issue · 5 comments


could you explain to me how to install via Vundle and how to activate this theme ?

Thank you,

Put this in your .vimrc:

Plugin 'reedes/vim-colors-pencil'

then, while in the same buffer with vimrc, run

:source %

For Vundle version < 0.10.2, replace "Plugin" with "Bundle". In order to activate, run

:colorscheme pencil

in Vim; to make permanent, add this line to .vimrc.

thanks OVlasiuk.

That's what I did. I don't get the background as seen below however :


Am I missing something ?

Do you have something like

set background=light

in the .vimrc? Which of the two backgrounds doesn't work?

ok, thanks OVlasiuk, it is working now, I added

set background=light

to my .vimrc

This one can be closed as well as question was answered.