
[Feature Request] Highlight Active Indentation Guide + Not Breaking Guides

Opened this issue · 4 comments

See this:

I think it would be super cool to be able to highlight only the selected/active indent guide. And to make it even better, lines could be made continuous, currently vim-indent-guides breaks the indent guides if there are blank lines...
I can contribute and try to write a pull request :)

any updates on this?

I think it would be super cool to be able to highlight only the selected/active indent guide.

I haven't had any time to work on this, but I definitely agree, it'd be a great feature.

And to make it even better, lines could be made continuous, currently vim-indent-guides breaks the indent guides if there are blank lines...

Not really sure if this is possible in Vim, if anyone knows how please let me know.

Not really sure if this is possible in Vim, if anyone knows how please let me know.

Well, at least colorcolumn can draw itself on completely empty lines

still there)