inspect & zoom in one shot
mavam opened this issue · 3 comments
I frequently find myself navigating through lengthy compiler output where I first zoom and then have to scroll through error messages. For this task, a combination of VimuxInspectRunner
and VimuxZoomRunner
would be handy (e.g., VimuxZoomInspectRunner
Would you consider such a feature for a future release?
The author hasn't had any activity in the last year
Thanks for the heads up. I hacked up my own version for now:
" Combine VimuxZoomRunner and VimuxInspectRunner in one function.
function! VimuxZoomInspectRunner()
if exists("g:VimuxRunnerIndex")
call _VimuxTmux("select-"._VimuxRunnerType()." -t ".g:VimuxRunnerIndex)
call _VimuxTmux("resize-pane -Z -t ".g:VimuxRunnerIndex)
call _VimuxTmux("copy-mode")
(@benmills: Let me know if you want a PR when you're back.)
I'd be willing to consider this as a PR if it was also documented. I don't want to make the array of commands provided but this seems like a reasonable complement to the existing set. It might be worth considering whether either the zoom or inspect functions would be better refactored as optional arguments for other functions rather than having one for each plus combos.