
H5P listings page: visible label and accessible name of buttons do not match

Opened this issue · 1 comments


A network manager has reported that he H5P listing pages the visible label and accessible name do not match on any of the buttons. The buttons just say “Show Activity” and the labels say “View H5P activity.”
Button text by default: Expand All
Button text when expanded: Hide All
aria-label: Expand all activities

Button text by default: Show Activity
Button text when expanded: Hide activity
aria-label: View h5p activity

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Navigate to a book's h5p-listings page
  2. Inspect buttons
  3. Click buttons and inspect again.

Expected behavior:

  • When the button says "Expand All", the aria-label should say "Expand All"; when the button says "Hide All", the aria-label should say "Hide All"
  • When the button says "Show Activity", the aria-label should say "Show Activity"; when the button says "Hide Activity", the aria-label should say "Hide Activity"

Actual behavior:

  • When the button says "Expand All", the aria-label says "Expand all activities"; when the button says "Hide All", the aria-label says "Expand all activities"
  • When the button says "Show Activity", the aria-label says "View h5p activity"

For internal reference: Ticket #