
When cloning a chapter into an existing book, the URL of the source chapter is not stored in the metadata of the cloned chapter

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When cloning a whole book, the URL of the source book is written to the new book. If activated in the webbook options, I can later compare the chapters of the cloned book with the chapters of the source book. The comparison feature is a powerful feature to check for changes in the source and update the clone appropriately. It breaks if only individual chapters are cloned into an existing book. This makes complying with attribution requirements of CC licenses impossible on a chapter level, preventing a transparent attribution in a chapter remixing scenario.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Clone a chapter into an existing book.
  2. Search coned chapter for info about the source of the chapter.
  3. Edit the source chapter.
  4. Use the comparison tool to find differences between the source chapter and the cloned chapter.

Expected behavior:
No differences are shown, as the cloned chapter has no metadata information about its source chapter.

Actual behavior:
Differences should be shown like they are shown if the whole book is cloned.