
Dockerized Sulu CMS (http://sulu.io/) (Multisite, multilingual CMS based on Symfony full stack and CMF (http://cmf.symfony.com/)

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Dockerized Sulu CMS (http://sulu.io/) (Multisite, multilingual CMS based on Symfony full stack and CMF (http://cmf.symfony.com/)

docker run -d -p 80:80 --name sulu revollat/sulu-cms

NB : if 80 (http) is already in use you can change the first "80" with another port number available, but be warn that sulu seems to have pb when running on a non standard port (cf. sulu/sulu#2423)

Get a shell as www-data user inside the running container

$ docker exec -it  sulu bash -c 'su - www-data'

You can now init the database

www-data@9291ab228319:~$ cd sulu-standard/ && app/console sulu:build dev --no-interaction
www-data@9291ab228319:~$ exit

You're done ! go to http://localhost (or http://localhost/admin with admin/admin)

More informations

This docker image is for test purpose only. Don't use in production environment.

This docker image is based on the official php 7 image https://hub.docker.com/_/php/ Inside the container nginx, php-fpm and mysql are started using supervisord.

If you want to build the image from the source, inside the clone repo directory do :

docker build  --no-cache -t sulucms .

and then the same command as before but with sulucms instead of revollat/sulu-cms

docker run --rm -d -p 80:80 --name sulu sulucms