
Passbook not working

gleichaberanders opened this issue · 2 comments

Hey together,

i just followed the official documentation to implement passbook ticketing.
I also created the keys with
openssl genrsa -out pass-pretix.key 2048 / openssl req -new -key pass-pretix.key -out pass-pretix.csr

Bildschirmfoto 2019-03-18 um 19 50 15

I could download the .pkpass files but I am not able to open them with any iOS Device.
I just attached the generated preview ( pkpass files not allowed, just created a zip file)


I'm not sure if something else is wrong, but at least the "Passbook-Typ" is wrong, this needs to be the typestring you registered with apple (e.g. de.gleichaberanders.ticket etc).


Hey, yeah you're right, that was my failure...
Just the first time ever used an Apple DEV Account / Passbook, thank you very much!