
unsure of correct configuration with use-package

dagda1 opened this issue · 6 comments

Currently my configuration is this:

(use-package prettier-js
  :commands (prettier-mode prettier)
  :init (add-hook 'js2-mode-hook 'prettier-mode)
  :bind (:map js2-mode-map ("M-q" . prettier))
  :config (setq prettier-target-mode "js2-mode"))

But when I hit M-q I get this message in the gutter:

Autoloading failed to define function prettier

If I key M-x and select prettier-js then the code formats.

But if I select M-x and prettier-mode I get the autoloading error:

Autoloading failed to define function prettier

How can I have prettier-js enabled by default and to format the code after every save?

AFAICT the mode is called prettier-js-mode, not prettier-mode. Your config should be fine if you replace that.

also, the prettier command was refactored to prettier-js-prettify, following the elisp prefixing style.

How can I configure prettier to run after a save in js2-mode?

prettier-js-mode runs prettier-js-prettify on save if the mode is activated. You just need to add a hook to js2. There is an example in the

(add-hook 'js2-mode-hook 'prettier-js-mode)

If you want to load prettier-js with use-package, I believe you can do something like this

(use-package prettier-js
  (add-hook 'js2-mode-hook 'prettier-js-mode))

I hope this helps 😄

brilliant, works a treat.

You have no idea the config options I have been through to try and j2-mode or web-mode work with pure render functions without the parenthesis e.g.

const myComp = props =>

Now I finally have something that works.

Great work!

I'm glad you got it working! 🍻