
Support ESLint 7

chrisbobbe opened this issue ยท 8 comments

Hi! ๐Ÿ‘‹

Do I assume correctly that ESLint 7 isn't supported yet? I'm looking at the fact that eslint's version range in dependencies doesn't include 7. (If eslint were a peer dependency, I'd get a stronger signal; there would be a peer-dep warning at install time if I didn't depend directly on a valid version of eslint.)

If so, here's an issue for it! ๐Ÿ™‚

I suspect there would be more work involved than just #397 (or #345, #355, #360, #368, #369, #377, or #388), but I'm not sure.

Node.js 8 reached EOL in December 2019, and Eslint officially dropped support for it in Eslint 7 which makes update PR fail

Node.js 8 reached EOL in December 2019, and Eslint officially dropped support for it in Eslint 7 which makes update PR fail

Mmm, OK. prettier-eslint specifies the preferred Node version in "engines" in package.json; I think it should be doable to just bump that from ">=8.0.0" to, e.g., ">=10.0.0" (or something that doesn't leave the upper end open; see this post)?

There's another thing blocking this, though; eslint-config-kentcdodds doesn't support ESLint 7 yet. That is expressed by the following peer dependency warning, even at its current latest, v14.16.0:

warning "eslint-config-kentcdodds > eslint-plugin-testing-library@3.8.0" has incorrect peer dependency "eslint@^5 || ^6".

eslint-plugin-testing-library has ESLint 7 support in progress, at testing-library/eslint-plugin-testing-library#139.

@hamzahamidi do we want to make a decision regarding moving to ESLint 7 and disallowing <=node@^8?

I'm ok with that too. The next versions will not support node@^8

Well, @chrisbobbe, the only tests failing on the PRs you listed are the ones using Node 8! So, it very well could be easy and just work.

I think we're open to a PR that:

  • adjusts the engines field in package.json accordingly (only look for a floor please, not a ceiling)
  • remove tests for Node 8 and add them for Node 14
  • update ESLint to latest version

Stale issue

#407 has been merged, fixing this, so I'll go ahead and close. Thanks, @cy6erskunk, @hamzahamidi, and @zimme! ๐ŸŽ‰