ngColorThief is a wrapper for the ColorThief library to extract dominant colors and color palettes from images.
Note: cross-domain images will not work unless they're served with the correct CORS headers. Furthermore, you need to add the cross-origin
attribute to image tags for this to work.
Install via bower
bower install angular-colorthief --save
Or just copy the angular-colorthief.min.js
file to your project. Next, add the module as a dependency to your project:
angular.module('yourApp', ['ngColorThief'])
How To
ngColorThief provides a service and a directive. The simplest way to grab colors is to use the directive on an image tag:
<img ng-src="{{myImage}}" color-thief color-thief-dominant="colors.myDominantColor">
When the image loads, myDominantColor
will contain an array with the dominant color (eg: [255, 250, 109]
). You could apply this to the container:
<div class="container" ng-style="{'background-color': 'rgb('+colors.dominantColor[0]+', '+colors.dominantColor[1]+', '+colors.dominantColor[2]+')'}">
<img ng-src="{{myImage}}" color-thief color-thief-dominant="colors.myDominantColor">
You can also grab a color palette:
<img ng-src="{{myImage}}" color-thief color-thief-palette="colors.myPalette">
And specify a color count
<img ng-src="{{myImage}}" color-thief color-thief-palette="colors.myPalette" color-thief-palette-count="4">
The service simply provides an almost direct interface to a colorThief instance:
app.controller('MyCtrl', function ($colorThief) {
var image = /*...*/;
var dominant = $colorThief.getColor(image);
var palette = $colorThief.getPalette(image);
Refer to ColorThief's documentation to know more.
Global Settings
You can configure global settings via the provider
app.config(function ($colorThiefProvider) {
// Set the default quality
// Set the default palette color count
// Set wether to return arrays (ColorThief's default) or
// objects like {r: 242, g: 124, b: 91} (false by default).
The library is minimized using Closure Compiler with the following command
closure-compiler --js_output_file=angular-colorthief.min.js --compilation_level SIMPLE angular-colorthief.js
Pull requests are welcome! Please fork, create a branch and submit a pull request.
MIT License.