
AttributeError: 'Process' object has no attribute 'memory_maps'

Alecyrus opened this issue · 1 comments

Platform: macOS 10.15.5

def get_memory(self):
        mmaps = self.process.memory_maps()
        mem = {
            "rss": sum([x.rss for x in mmaps]),
            "swap": sum([getattr(x, 'swap', getattr(x, 'swapped', 0)) for x in mmaps])
        mem["total"] = mem["rss"] + mem["swap"]
        return mem

psutil documentation says that memory_maps():

Availability: Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, SunOS
Changed in version 5.6.0: removed macOS support because inherently broken (see issue #1291)

So, I got AttributeError: 'Process' object has no attribute 'memory_maps' when runing mrq-worker on macOS.

This limitation should be declared in the documentation.
