
Corrections to the CLI parameters on the README

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Some slight corrections to how it should be documented:

address-balance [address] [crypto]

moneywagon address-balance doge --address=D8ZXs3JDdLuyRjG3wDtRQE2PMT4YQWELfZ

Also works with the crypto trailing:
moneywagon address-balance --address=D8ZXs3JDdLuyRjG3wDtRQE2PMT4YQWELfZ doge
moneywagon address-balance --address=D8ZXs3JDdLuyRjG3wDtRQE2PMT4YQWELfZ doge --verbose --paranoid=3

single-transaction [crypto] [txid]

moneywagon single-transaction ppc --txid=6dddc4deb0806d987844b429e73b20ce5f0355407cce220130b5eac8fa13970e | python -mjson.tool

--paranoid= can be added
--verbose only works if you do not feed it to the json interpreter.

historical-transactions [crypto] [address]

moneywagon historical-transactions doge --address=D8ZXs3JDdLuyRjG3wDtRQE2PMT4YQWELfZ | python -m json.tool

Also the argument "--crypto" changed since the README got written.
--crypto=doge has to be replaced by the crypto value (no --crypto=) at the end of the command. The tool actually has the right help: moneywagon -h but README should be refreshed.