
Not working after pressing Home button and resuming several times on Android device.

MatrixBai opened this issue · 1 comments

What happened?

Test it on Android device (Nexus S). After pressing the Home button to exit game and resume it several times, the game don't response any touch.

What lead this problem?

In TouchKit, new qualified touch reply on the figureId, and after resuming from background the Unity don't allocate figureId start with 0.

private void Update()
    //After resuming, the fingerId may start bigger than maxTouchesToProcess
    if( touch.fingerId < maxTouchesToProcess )
        _liveTouches.Add( _touchCache[touch.fingerId].populateWithTouch( touch ) );

I've run into this same issue. I think it's related to the "onDetachedFromWindow" call in logcat. Anytime I leave to home, another application, or an interstitial inside my game pops up TouchKit stops functioning.

Any ideas what may be causing this? Looking for a work around.