[Feedback] Publish icon list as part of the build process
rfearing opened this issue · 1 comments
rfearing commented
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I've created an app that allows Contentful users to select an octicon as a dropdown option. I've created a weekly action to check the local list of octicons against the latest list in @primer/octicons
. I propose that a list be provided as part of the octicons build process. As reference, this is the action I've created:
name: Validate Octicon List
# Run the Monday of each week:
- cron: '0 0 * * 1'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
# Take the local list of octicons, sort them and make a comma separated list of them
- name: Extract local icons
id: extract_local
uses: actions/github-script@v6
result-encoding: string
script: |
const fs = require('fs');
const localOcticons = require('./apps/octicons/src/locations/octicons.js').octicons
.sort().map(icon => icon.replace(/.*\/(.*)-16\.svg/, '$1')
.replace(/-/g, '_'));
return localOcticons;
# Take the list of svg files with -16.svg,
# remove the path and the -16.svg
# then replace - with _ and sort them
# Make a comma separated list of them
- name: Extract official icons
id: extract_official
run: |
npm install @primer/octicons
officialOcticons=$(ls node_modules/@primer/octicons/build/svg/*-16.svg | sed 's/.*\///; s/-16\.svg//' | sed 's/-/_/g' | sort -u | tr '\n' ','s | sed 's/,$//')
echo "officialOcticons=${officialOcticons}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# Compare the two lists and output for .md file
- name: Compare icons
id: compare_octicons
uses: actions/github-script@v6
result-encoding: string
script: |
const localOcticons = "${{ steps.extract_local.outputs.result }}".trim().split(',');
const officialOcticons = "${{ steps.extract_official.outputs.officialOcticons }}".trim().split(',');
const mismatched = [...localOcticons, ...officialOcticons].filter(icon => !officialOcticons.includes(icon) || !localOcticons.includes(icon));
if (mismatched.length > 0) {
return mismatched.join('\n- ');
} else {
return 'no mismatches';
# If there is a mismatch, create an issue and assign it to marketing-platform-services
- name: Create issue
id: create_issue
if: ${{ steps.compare_octicons.outputs.result != 'no mismatches' }}
uses: JasonEtco/create-an-issue@v2
filename: .github/octicons-issue-template.md
MISMATCH: ${{ steps.compare_octicons.outputs.result}}
github-actions commented
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