
Question about issue_export

alpesmaritimes34170 opened this issue · 1 comments


Comma is used as a CSV delimiter. Is there a way to choose another character as delimiter? I didn't find anything in the documentation.

Thank you.

Hey @alpesmaritimes34170

Despite the existence of the delimiter parameter as a keyword argument, it currently isn't utilized in the issue_export function. However, I plan to include this feature in the upcoming v0.7.9 release and make it for explicit use. Once implemented, you'll be able to use the delimit parameter when calling the issue_export function, and this parameter will be passed to the file_writer functions. The specified character will then be used as the delimiter for the CSV file result

# import statement
issue_export(jql=jql, delimit=";")

In this case, the output of the CSV file will be semi-colon delimited. It's important to note that the delimiter argument only accepts a single character. It's recommended to avoid using characters such as spaces or tabs as delimiters, as they might cause conflicts during data export. The suggested delimiters to use are either semi-colon, colon, and comma (which is the default).