
Error executing time_in_status

cmbyrne opened this issue · 6 comments

Getting an error when executing time_in_status.
config = json.load(open('config.json'))
key = {"jql": "Sprint = 1892 order by created DESC"}
temp = time_in_status(PROJECT, key, file_reader, pprint=True, is_printable=True,
output_format="json", report_folder="STATUSPAGE", report_file="time.json",
login=LOGIN, output_filename="result")

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2021.1.3\plugins\python-ce\helpers\pydev\", line 1483, in _exec
pydev_imports.execfile(file, globals, locals) # execute the script
File "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2021.1.3\plugins\python-ce\helpers\", line 18, in execfile
exec(compile(contents+"\n", file, 'exec'), glob, loc)
File "C:/Users/Ce/PycharmProjects/StatusTime/", line 20, in
temp = time_in_status(PROJECT, key, file_reader, pprint=True, is_printable=True,
File "C:\Users\Ce.virtualenvs\StatusTime-ViV0hHXO\lib\site-packages\jiraone\", line 168, in time_in_status
items = data_dog.make(histories)
File "c:\program files\python39\lib\collections_init
.py", line 441, in _make
raise TypeError(f'Expected {num_fields} arguments, got {len(result)}')
TypeError: Expected 13 arguments, got 0

In your report_file "time.json" is there any new line or empty space between the header and the next row of data?

Yes, there is a blank line between every row and it is csv even though json was specified

Issue Key,Summary,Author,Created,Field Type,Field,Field Id,From,From String,To,To String,From AccountId,To AccountId

IM-23511,Test Execution,Shivangi Pandey,2022-02-28T10:19:35.666-0600,,status,,1,Not Started,6,Closed,,

IM-23511,Test Execution,Shivangi Pandey,2022-02-28T10:33:43.231-0600,jira,status,,1,Not Started,6,Closed,,

IM-23510,Test GDSN 3.1.19 : Attribute Mapping and check in VV properties,Shivangi Pandey,2022-02-28T10:17:33.593-0600,,status,,1,Not Started,6,Closed,,

IM-23510,Test GDSN 3.1.19 : Attribute Mapping and check in VV properties,Shivangi Pandey,2022-02-28T10:34:59.097-0600,jira,status,,1,Not Started,6,Closed,,

IM-23505,Test Execution,Shivangi Pandey,2022-02-28T00:15:58.071-0600,,status,,1,Not Started,6,Closed,,

IM-23505,Test Execution,Shivangi Pandey,2022-02-28T00:17:44.971-0600,jira,status,,1,Not Started,6,Closed,,

IM-23504,Test Removal of Connection Error Popup,Shivangi Pandey,2022-02-28T00:13:42.350-0600,,status,,1,Not Started,6,Closed,,

IM-23504,Test Removal of Connection Error Popup,Shivangi Pandey,2022-02-28T00:17:48.477-0600,jira,status,,1,Not Started,6,Closed,,

IM-23496,Update GDSN Schema in PreProd to point to Prod Schemas,Rabin Pradhan,2022-02-24T12:23:54.553-0600,,status,,1,Not Started,10031,Ready to Test,,

IM-23496,Update GDSN Schema in PreProd to point to Prod Schemas,Rabin Pradhan,2022-02-24T15:18:28.774-0600,jira,status,,1,Not Started,10031,Ready to Test,,

IM-23496,Update GDSN Schema in PreProd to point to Prod Schemas,Rabin Pradhan,2022-02-24T15:18:33.298-0600,jira,status,,10031,Ready to Test,10362,QA In Progress,,

IM-23496,Update GDSN Schema in PreProd to point to Prod Schemas,Rabin Pradhan,2022-02-24T15:18:39.550-0600,jira,status,,10362,QA In Progress,10191,Ready for Product Demo,,

IM-23496,Update GDSN Schema in PreProd to point to Prod Schemas,Manjari Ratho,2022-02-25T14:05:55.613-0600,jira,status,,10191,Ready for Product Demo,6,Closed,,

That argument only reads plain text files which is CSV, example from the docs time_in_status->report_file. Also, I think for windows machine it might be adding an extra carriage return \r to the file so it becomes \r\r\n rather than \r\n denoting a newline. I think I might know what the cause might be and a possible fix for it. I will push an update asap, then you can let me know if that fixes the problem.

Pushed an update @cmbyrne let me know if that fixes this issue for you?

Do you mean it does take into account weekends and holidays? Because it should calculate all days irrespective if it is a working day or not. Also had to edit your comment to remove some content, I believe it contained identifiable info.