
Error while trying to create coreml model

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I have followed all the instructions to create a model from ""
I have created my own style model, but when I tried to convert to coreml, I am getting this error.
I thought my model file is wrong, but I dowloaded this file "" and tried with that. The result is same. No luck.
Could you provide me a solution to fix that?

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 175, in
File "", line 161, in main
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/torch2coreml/", line 192, in convert
with torch.legacy.nn.Sequential module as root"
TypeError: Model must be file path to .t7 file or pytorch loaded model with torch.legacy.nn.Sequential module as root

I have found a solution, I am able to create core ml model by using this script.

Thank you