
Suggestion: `testing-express` with multiple database sources

brunolnetto opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, Prisma!

There is a non-zero chance of this issue being rejected by the human-brain-bot.

First of all, I thank Prisma for the multiple use cases on their plural combinations. In particular, I like this use case with a web package (e.g. express, but could be fastify or koa as well) because it is very insightful on this open source boilerplate I learn-develop.

My request regards the provision of clarification and, if possible, feature request on:

  • database initialization steps according to the operating system and database sources (current: [postgresql, mysql, sqlite, sqlserver, mongodb, cockroachdb]): on the abovementioned example, there is a binary-file prisma/dev.db, which assumes a Linux user (a hopeful assumption ;-) ). It is a great development practice, but obscure this step I mention;
  • examples with other database sources and suggestive database tools.

The binary is just a SQLite database - that should work on all platforms.

I see, my bad. :-S