
MS SQL Connector

marktani opened this issue Β· 71 comments

This feature requests serves as a central place to discuss development and progress for the MS SQL connector.

When you can expect a working connector to Ms SQL ??

I need this too

Hey @SebaBoler and @iamgmd, thanks a lot for your interest in the MS SQL connector πŸ™‚
I would love to hear your thoughts on specific use cases you'd like to be covered, and an initial suggestion for the SDL syntax and exposed capabilities.

You can read more contributing to a DB connector here.

Super excited about this, though I will probably fall back on the hosted platform as I'm getting tired of managing everything - the NET community is ~desperate for a GraphQL API interface to SQL Server.

I noticed MS SQL was missing on the main README:


jurby commented


I waiting for this

I need this badly

Thanks a lot for your feedback everyone πŸ™‚

If you have any thoughts in the spirit of what I mentioned above, I'd be happy to hear it!
If you want to express your desire in this feature, please use Github reactions on the original post. Thanks! πŸ™Œ

I really need this! Please make this happen!




There is a huge .NET community - by supporting MSSQL and writing some how-to's on deploying onto Azure I think you will capture some massive traction in the enterprise space - especially financial services.

Big +1 on this. Regarding features even just reproducing the pgsql functionality would solve 90% of users needs.

This is important because there are lots of enterprise organizations as @develomark mentioned, which use MS SQL and they will be able to start using Prisma (I'll be one who will suggest them to try), hope it will happen soon :) Also I'll take a look current connectors and I'll try to share something valuable about that.

One note here, if you will support azure sql, ms sql will be supported also, because azure sql is limited version of ms sql, but those limits will not have any effects for Prisma.

vuchl commented

I also would like to take a vote for a MSSQL connector to

  1. push Prisma/GraphQL to enterprise environments
  2. broaden the availabitly and compatibility of Prisma

Since I have become a user of MSSQL I must say it's a great DBMS and I would like to start a GraphQL project with some of our customers. Therefore I would like to have a solid development library that fits with SQL Server and is capable of using some more of the TSQL features and is not limited to a a really small subset of the SQL standard.

One could say to go with .NET/.NET Core but making Prisma available as a JavaScript solution to the market would propably also accell the need and use of full stack JS developers that could create products for big enterprise customers.

sytpb commented

hope this .

When I execute 'prisma deploy' to a local MySQL instance, I get this error.
What am I missing?

TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined
at Socket. (C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\prisma\node_modules\pg\lib\connection.js:123:21)

@Gary-Shurgin Not sure if your post is relevant in this thread as this one is related to wanting MS SQL in Prisma, nothing to do with MySQL.

This connector should be shipped by default as soon as possible.
Supported should be

  • Tables (of course)
  • Views
  • Stored Procedures (including result selection)
  • Table- and Scalarfunctions
  • Table Types

I think you can add support to this through the Microsoft SQLServer JDBC library ?

Code should be similar to what you have done with MySQL and PostgreSQL.

You might also need to consider supporting different versions :

Microsoft team has also been open-sourcing lot of stuff related to SQL Server lately, may be we can ask their help. Check out the Linux tools they have released:

I am using these tool at work in a Linux / Scala environment with connection to Windows / SQL Server backends. But not using GraphQL for the moment.

Would like to know whether the work on this has started or not? Dont see a branch for it either.

I need this so badly, at this moment I use TypeORM because of this, if we have MS SQL Server Connector, for sure I change for Prisma.
Other project I develop I used PostgreSQL and MariaDB (MySQL),

I notice there's some development on the JDBC connector. Having not worked on MSSQL for a long time, I have to ask if the JDBC connector allows use of MSSQL? Azure SQL?

Anyone have an update on this? I would like to help contribute to the project if it's in active development.

dnikl commented

CRUD functions with API access would work at first. We would love to use Prisma. @marktani is there already something going on?

dnikl commented

You can read more contributing to a DB connector here.


It will be great to have it.

I need support for Azure SQL

I need it too

Is this being worked on? Don't see a branch that seems relevant. If it is, I'd love to get my hands dirty and help get it finished.

Hey ..
pls. implement this connector to push prisma to enterprise environment

Is there a way to contribute to new connectors? A comment mentions a doc on this topic but it’s a 404 and I don’t see any updated link.

I need this so badly. Any news? Is this even started?

Has there been any progress on this? Is there any way to contribute? A MSSQL connector is in much demand! 🀞

Has there been any progress on this? Is there any way to contribute? A MSSQL connector is in much demand!

Its possible to build a GraphQL solution with Apollo and MSSQL. Its still not as elegant as using Prisma and would love to see a connector built for it.

I used this article as a starting point:

Installed tedious instead of mysql2. Hope this helps.

you needa another round of funding then build it

sv-22 commented

definitely waiting for it.

Would be great if we have some idea on this - The organisation where I work at is investing on creating Microservices, APIs/GraphQL, etc. for its legacy infrastructure based on MS SQL. Wanted to know if we can leverage this at some point of time.

Btw, Amazing work by all of you guys with Prisma! Its even cooler than GraphCool

Need this badly.

Is it possible to ask if we are even near to a beta stage? We've followed this confidently from 1Y ago... But still nothing. I know even 2 more big companies are waiting for this for updating some old projects.

Just adding to the growing list of people wanting this feature and also wondering about the status of current efforts and the potential to contribute (link above is still 404).

@infin8loop yes the team needs to provide better guides for "how to contribute" and "writing a db connector" in order to enable the community to help here

Do we have any timelines for this? Keen to see or contribute to this as it will greatly help when building for enterprises that work only with MS SQL due to legacy implementations.

I need it badly too. any update yet?

I don't understand why no one reply. I understand that actually there aren't any intention of doing some efforts; but I don't understand why no one is explicitly saying this.

Typeorm or sequenlize could be alternatives solution. But they are not designed for gql specifically.

This is annoying. MS Sql is still in the top 3 most used DBs world wide, double more used than Postgres that already has the connector.

Also if it not deserves a connector yet, I think may deserves a reply at least

Is this due to the different type of connection. I see on W3 that you simply import mysql and connect, where as a msSql database needs an odbc connection. It would make sense then that a connection like this might take longer and work differently with the infrustructure.

It would be a cool feature to have. Is there a way to use a node server as a middleware for this. Could we use a node server connecting through odbc then pass that to prisma directly from the query response?

All the kind of reasons would be accepted. A "This feature is postponed due to technical issues" would be great also...

The silence NO.

if you really need sth for mssql database connector badly. There is another open source library called sql datasource, it’s been recommended by Apollo offical document(you should be able to find it y reading doc of Apollo-datasource-rest)You can find it from Github( It’s based on knex and Apollo-datasource. It provides huge flexibility to build a ms sql server based datasource connector at gql server, it has some good features such as batching, transactions and simple syntax. Try it with dataloader would be a way to go if you can’t wait prisma’s new release. Hope it helps.

Has there been any progress on this? Is there any way to contribute? A MSSQL connector is in much demand!

Its possible to build a GraphQL solution with Apollo and MSSQL. Its still not as elegant as using Prisma and would love to see a connector built for it.

I used this article as a starting point:

Installed tedious instead of mysql2. Hope this helps.

I have done this and it is not that difficult If anyone wants to see a SOLID implementation check out the "The road to graphql" by Robin Wieruch

Full walk though

Prisma 2 is currently being rewritten using Rust instead of Scala.

Are any more DB connectors being written for Prisma 1? Or is the plan to wait until Prisma 2 is out before any more are written? And at that point we may expect to have a SQL Server DB connector?

Is it a good day to ask about ETA? Or even to ask about EST?
I've seen a lot of good feature proposal for Prisma 2! πŸ˜„

But... it's a shame that most of the people are cut off because of the lack of connectors

Hey, for anyone trying to help out here, but hitting that 404:

It's not too bad to correct the link. Just change 'graphcool' to 'prisma' and the link will work. That will help, because the next link is full of links that 404 too πŸ˜†


But... it's a shame that most of the people are cut off because of the lack of connectors

What problem are you trying to solve? Is it that you want to do GraphQL with SQL Server or is it that you want to specifically use Prisma with SQL Server?

The final target


But... it's a shame that most of the people are cut off because of the lack of connectors

What problem are you trying to solve? Is it that you want to do GraphQL with SQL Server or is it that you want to specifically use Prisma with SQL Server?

The final target is obtaining a GraphQL with SQL Server, with subscriptions, schema migrations and all the good stuff of PRISMA. So, probably... The final target is obtaining PRISMA for SQL Server?

I've seen another great tool, also that only for Postgres Hasura

Sorry, but everything is a mess... Do we need to wait here the connector even for Prisma 2, Prisma Framework or Photon.js ecc...?

This will be a game changer and I for one would be more than glad to encourage my team to adopting this. Any ETA would be highly appreciated.

Any insights into where this might fit on the roadmap?

After 2+ years would be gold :)

Is there any way to post a bounty towards this feature?

Is there any way to post a bounty towards this feature?

Bounty or somehow Microsoft buys prisma πŸ˜‚

For prisma 1, I do not think this will happen. For prisma 2, it will probably happen sometime after it is stable, or somebody starts to write this connector. I am told it is a lot easier than for prisma 1.

Starting a new project and used typeorm for that. Until I saw a demo of Prisma and fell in love with its simple and clean syntax. God I would love to use it in cooperation with MSSQL. Waiting eagerly ... :)

Starting a new project and used typeorm for that. Until I saw a demo of Prisma and fell in love with its simple and clean syntax. God I would love to use it in cooperation with MSSQL. Waiting eagerly ... :)

Good luck :)

Prisma is working on this it seems. They've done a lot work patching this driver:

If anyone knows Rust and wants to contribute their expertise on this then check out this repo.

Eagerly waiting on this. Because I need a sql database for my project, I'm currently using MySql and it sucks...