
CosmosDB connector

nicojdejong opened this issue ยท 14 comments

CosmosDB is Microsofts new cloud database

It would be great to have a connector for this database

Thanks @nicojdejong

Can you describe your particular use case? Are you already using Cosmos?

Hi Soren,

I second the request for supporting Cosmos Db. I too am working on a startup and would love to be able to use Cosmos Db as the data store for a GraphQL API. I chose Cosmos Db because I work with really large data sets (one is >250 GB) and they offer auto-indexing and fast response times.

I was beginning to think I needed to write a connector myself but I would much rather work on value-added features and not so much on plumbing if I could.

I've been running with Apollo-* stack and haven't seriously considered Graphcool because of this limitation but I would love to just leverage all the magic you guys have created and not worry about it :)


+1 from me too. We are using Cosmos DB on a bunch of chat tools because it is easy to use from the Azure Bot Framework. Having a GraphQL connector would be really useful.

+1 We are making a foray into Cosmos DB after starting out with graphcool. Lack of other database support is probably our biggest hurdle for Prisma (i.e. we want MS SQL, Cosmos DB or Postgres).

Thank you all!

We have finished the ground work required to support more database connectors. The implementation of Postgress is set to start next week and more will follow soon after. I can't offer a concrete timeline for Cosmos DB yet though.

@sorenbs great news! Any update on a Cosmos DB roadmap? I'd potentially be interested in contributing.

stale commented

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Has anyone tested the MongoDb connecter with CosmosDB - it supports the Mongo wire do in principle it should work

@AronT-TLV I gave it a quick shot trying to connect it to my cosmos db with mongodb api using the prisma init hello-world wizard with the error "no primary found in replicaset or invalid replica set name" -

The connection string looks like this: "mongodb://"

Any plans on that for Prisma 2?