
url method on Document?

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Suddenly thinking, since now we can do documentLink.url(link_resolver(@maybe_ref)) instead of link_resolver(@maybe_ref).link_to(documentLink), maybe it would be cool to be able to do the same for Document (document.url(link_resolver(@maybe_ref)) instead of link_resolver(@maybe_ref).link_to(documentLink))? It's a bold choice, not sure what the implications would be.

On a broader topic, since passing a function is very different depending on the technology, there is no unified way to build a front-office URL from a Document or a DocumentLink object. Maybe we should make it a requirement for the other kits to implement a url method on Link and Document classes?

Today, the ways to do it seem to be (I didn't test those):

  • In Java:
    • for DocumentLink objects: prismic.linkResolver.resolveLink(documentLink);
    • for Document objects: prismic.linkResolver.resolveDocument(document);
  • In JavaScript:
    • for DocumentLink objects: ctx.linkResolver(ctx, docLink);, or docLink.url(ctx.linkResolver); actually is already there.
    • for Document objects: actually, not possible easily today.
  • In PHP:
    • for DocumentLink objects: $linkResolver.resolveLink($documentLink);
    • for Document objects: $linkResolver.resolveDocument($document);
  • In Scala:
    • for DocumentLink objects: ctx.linkResolver.apply(documentLink);
    • for Document objects: ctx.linkResolver.apply(documentLink);

Well, no matter what we do, we have to make all of them consistent. I say through a url method in Document and DocumentLink objects is a nice way, but I'm opened to be challenged about it. :)

(Of course, once we stabilize a way to do this, that will allow me to document it on the cross-tech documentation on the developers portal; there's no word about it today)