
Support the Boolean field inside Slices

Closed this issue ยท 4 comments

With the release of the boolean field and slices it would be great to see these supported together.

Currently when a boolean field is inside a slice the method api.getByID errors out with a generic undefined method `call' for nil:NilClass error.

Further, this bug is not just affecting slices but also queries that return multiple documents when they contain boolean fields.

Until this feature is added, booleans are not usable in Ruby.

I was able to fix the issue by overriding prismic parsers list and adding boolean parser.

  module JsonParser
    class << self
      def parsers
        @parsers ||= {
            'Link.document'  => method(:document_link_parser),
            'Text'           => method(:text_parser),
            'Link.web'       => method(:web_link_parser),
            'Link.image'     => method(:image_link_parser),
            'Link.file'      => method(:file_link_parser),
            'Date'           => method(:date_parser),
            'Timestamp'      => method(:timestamp_parser),
            'Number'         => method(:number_parser),
            'Embed'          => method(:embed_parser),
            'GeoPoint'       => method(:geo_point_parser),
            'Image'          => method(:image_parser),
            'Color'          => method(:color_parser),
            'StructuredText' => method(:structured_text_parser),
            'Select'         => method(:select_parser),
            'Multiple'       => method(:multiple_parser),
            'Group'          => method(:group_parser),
            'SliceZone'      => method(:slices_parser),
            'Separator'      => method(:separator_parser),
            'IntegrationFields' => method(:integration_fields_parser),
            'Boolean' => ->(json) { json['value'] }

I've ended up doing this:

Prismic::JsonParser.parsers['Boolean'] = ->(json) { json['value'] }

We did a PR to support that. #95

Closing this issue.