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Scrivener is a game about co-authoring the future. Played on Discord, participants respond to crises and opportunities that happen in a near-future which has been gripped by the emerging far-right. A fictional Decentralizd Autonomous Organization exists to challenge this new world order, and through each decision the narrative is co-written by the players.
I had trouble with the default port, hence changing it to 8888, but whatever works. Oddly enough, I still had to make the request to the default port. I'm using the mistral model.
curl -fsSL https://ollama.com/install.sh | sh
ollama pull mistral
export OLLAMA_HOST=localhost:8888
Install node via npm
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.7/install.sh | bash
source ~/.bashrc
nvm install v18.17.0
npm install
Make sure to add the .env file which includes the bot key
export OLLAMA_HOST=localhost:8888
# ollama serve # this turns out to not be necessary if ollama is self-starting on computer as a service
node index.mjs
(Note that you may need to run the export command for the ollama bug before serving)
This is not necessary if ollama is running as a service (which it should be by default):
ssh vision@
cd weird-economies
export OLLAMA_HOST=localhost:8888
ollama serve
in another tab
ssh vision@
cd weird-economies
node index.mjs
CTRL+A, CTRL+D (detaches terminal)
screen -r
to reattach
curl http://localhost:11434/api/chat -d '{
"model": "mistral",
"messages": [
{ "role": "user", "content": "why is the sky blue?" }
- stream: false (wait until entire text is returned instead of trickling it in a word at a time)
- Go to Disrord Developer Portal
- Generate a URL for the server admin on the OAUTH2 tab in developers panel, in our case we did not select any permissions
- Admin should restrict access as needed
- Get a list of users who should have access to the game (or credits, whatever)
- Create a pinned message which explains the game and/or welcomes players