
Consider Utilizing Ruff

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As requested in #61, this issue is to track potentially moving to Ruff.

An extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust.

Ruff boasts being a drop in replacement for flake8 as long as certain conditions are met (this project meets those conditions).

On the direction of @priv-kweihmann, I'm happy to generate a PR that does most of the conversion:

  • Run an initial fix on the repo (about 3000 changes, mostly single quotes to double quotes and adding type hints)
  • Update github actions to use ruff or adding ruffs own action
  • Add pre-commit hooks for ruff to help new contributors make good changes
    • pre-commit can be controversial, as some feel it slows down development time. I've found as a code base grows, having a flake8 pre-commit hook can feel sluggish, but switching to ruff I've never found it take even a noticeable amount of time unless of course there are changes to be made. Let me know your thoughts here.
  • Adding a sensible pyproject.toml based configuration for this project
    • setting pydocstyle convention to numpy
    • setting the line length to match blacks (88)
    • adding per file ignores for things like asserts in pytest modules