
Aggregation service deployment using user provided vpc fails

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When specifying "enable_user_provided_vpc = true", creation of the environment following the instructions at
fails with error:
Out of index vpc[0], 182: dynamodb_vpc_endpoint_id = module.vpc[0].dynamodb_vpc_endpoint_id

At file: terraform/aws/applications/operator-service/
Lines 182 & 183 refers to module.vpc[0]
While module.vpc is not set when "enable_user_provided_vpc = true"
module "vpc" {
count = var.enable_user_provided_vpc ? 0 : 1

Hi @khalilj-appsflyer,
thank you for reporting this issue. We'll look into resolution.

Hi @khalilj-appsflyer,

can you verify if you've set the other required variables when setting enable_user_provided_vpc = true?
user_provided_vpc_subnet_ids and user_provided_vpc_security_group_ids need to be set in your .auto.tfvars as well.

excerpt from operator/terraform/aws/environments/shared/

# VPC, subnets and security group variables

variable "enable_user_provided_vpc" {
  description = "Allow providing existing vpc details as input."
  type        = bool
  default     = false

variable "user_provided_vpc_subnet_ids" {
  description = "Customized VPC subnet ids for worker autoscaling group"
  type        = list(string)
  default     = []

variable "user_provided_vpc_security_group_ids" {
  description = "Customized VPC security group ids for worker autoscaling group"
  type        = list(string)
  default     = []

Hi @khalilj-appsflyer ,

Since we have not received a response for some time, we'll proceed to close out this issue.

Let us know if you still need assistance.