
Decode the final `output.json` from the `LocalTestingTool`

Closed this issue · 1 comments


I have managed to get the full flow running to aggregate debug reports in the browser and process them locally with the provided tool.

The final file output I have is:

[{"bucket": "d0ZHnRzgTJMAAAAAAAAAAA==", "metric": 195000}]

Which looks correct in terms of there should be a single key and the metric value is correct.

The issue I have is now decoding this bucket to get my original input data, I assumed the steps would be:

  • base64 decode
  • CBOR decode

But this causes the following error:

_cbor2.CBORDecodeEOF: premature end of stream (expected to read 23 bytes, got 15 instead)

Would really appreciate any help on how to get the input data back out of this bucket.


Hi Dennis,

Please do a base64 decode on the bucket and you should be able to get your key.
