
๐Ÿ†• Software Suggestion | Addition of Artix Linux OS

peepo5 opened this issue ยท 6 comments

Basic Information

Name: Artix Linux
Category: Operating Systems


It is based off of arch linux but has two major upsides:

  • Systemd is removed and there are three options for replacement - runit, s6 and openrc.
  • There is an easy-install GUI and you can choose display manager when downloading ISO.

Artix linux has created a sizable following and I feel it should get attention in the privacy community.

Why I am making the suggestion

It is easy-to-use with gui and install and it is based on arch.
For what classification, I am personally unsure what it would be.
It seems a bit complex for introductory but a bit simple for advanced, so I want to hear some opinions.

My connection with the software

I am a linux hobbyist that has experience with the software. It is a well-developed systemd-free alternative to arch linux

  • I will keep the issue up-to-date if something I have said changes or I remember a connection with the software.

Dont think this will be added see comments:


Dont think this will be added see comments:


I read that thread. This is not about removing systemd from ALL distros recommended, but recommending an arch-based systemd-free gui-install linux version that is gaining traction with a good reason.

Also, I do not care about redhat owning systemd, its that systemd is a monolith in terms of control and having alternatives is always good to diversify.

On the privacy side of things, arch is one of the most versatile distributions but for new users it can be tedious if they have never touched a terminal before. Artix provides an install simple as ubuntu but also has a manual install for more advanced users. There is very low telemetry, if any, as far as I know.

It seems a bit complex for introductory but a bit simple for advanced, so I want to hear some opinions.

Yah I would agree with you on that. If there was ever an intermediate section added then maybe Artix could go there.

I do have a question. Is there anything that Artix brings to the table besides not having Systemd? I feel like there are better Arch based distros to recommend if we go that route and most people don't consider systemd an issue. Also intermediate and advanced recommendations are not really as important as more seasoned Linux users will have the knowledge of picking a distro on their own without much help. The introductory section is much more important as beginners don't know any better and will most likely base their entire choice on it, in which case we want to make sure we did a good job recommending easy to use systems with good privacy.

I don't think fundementally they are that different, but they have different init systems, so it adds to variety.

Whether something has systemd or does not it doesn't really impact privacy does it now.

One could argue that systemd-resolvd supports DoT (DNS over TLS) at an OS level meaning all lookups are over TLS, preventing casual eavesdropping.

What I will say is that systemd units tend to be more robust, than openrc init scripts, particularly in their ability to restart when a service crashes.

Either way, the list was never intended to be a list of every distribution out there, nor was it meant to be a page for various battles, (systemd vs not systemd, distributions that include emacs vs distributions including vi/vim, or gnu software vs ones which do not).

It was only intended to be just some distributions that we think are pretty good or have some really interesting unique feature (such as Alpine Linux).