
Shift services detail pages to markdown

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  • Create markdown files in data/services folder. The content of the services detail page will be retrieved from here.
  • The new url for service detail page should be
  • Render the list of services from markdown as well. Use format 2.
  • Remove old services typescript pages.

Ideas for storing services data.

Format 1

Filename: data/

  • Web App Development
    Prixite being the exquisite web development brands offers innovative solutions to your web development needs in today’s dynamics.

  • Wordpress development
    Prixite offers its clients superior quality WordPress solutions that helps them to create a compelling impact in the business world.

Format 2

file: data/services/

heading: Web App Development
image: <image>
index: 1

Prixite being the exquisite web development brands offers innovative solutions to your web development needs in today’s dynamics.

file: data/services/

heading: Wordpress Development
image: <image>
index: 2

Prixite offers its clients superior quality WordPress solutions that helps them to create a compelling impact in the business world.