
Add product pages

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Add product list and product detail pages. The structure will be similar to how we handle blogs. Here is a task breakdown:

  • Add product list JSX page
  • Add product detail JSX page
  • Add data/products/
  • Fill product list page automatically. It should list all the products that exists in data/products/ directory.
  • There should be an index field in MD file so that we can sort products on the list page.
  • Add feature flag in utils/contants.ts

The markdown file format should be similar to service detail markdown file.

The HTML for product list page can be something like this:

<h4><a href="/products/saas-erp">SaaS ERP</a></h4>
<p>Description of SaaS ERP <a href="/products/saas-erp">learn more</a></p>

<h4><a href="/products/scooprank">ScoopRank</a></h4>
<p>Description of ScoopRank <a href="/products/scooprank">learn more</a></p>