
MATIC-ETH and TEST tokens faucet server, for betav2, alpha, testnet2, testnet3, ropsten

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Matic-ETH faucet server

built upon: https://github.com/sponnet/locals-faucetserver

supports matic-eth and test-erc20 token transfers to (pay out amount 1 maticEth and 2 test erc20 tokens) beta2, alpha, testnet2, testnet3, ropsten and eth-mainnet

  • payout frequency: 120 seconds
  • server check frequency: 10 seconds

(configured in server/config.json)

address and ip are 'greylisted' right after a successful transaction - for 60 seconds. greylists are reset every 10 seconds.



$ git clone https://github.com/nglglhtr/matic-faucet
$ cd matic-faucet && cd server && npm install
$ cd .. && cd client && npm install
$ cd ..

Configuring the faucet API

edit config.json in the server/ directory and add private keys to the accounts for each network.

Start your faucet:

node index.js

Configuring the faucet frontend

edit the file client/src/config.js and specify the base URL for your API. Run npm run start



GET https://<FAUCET-URL>/info


	checkfreqinsec: ...,
	greylistdurationinsec: ...,
	balances: [
			"network": ...,
			"account": ...,
			"balanceEth": ...,
			"balanceTestErc20": ...

GET https://<FAUCET-URL>/tokenInfo


			"network": ...,
			"payoutEth": ...,
			"payoutTestErc20": ...,
			"testErc20Address": ...

GET https://<FAUCET-URL>/{network name}/{token}/{ethereum address}

Request parameters

  • Network Name

name RPC
testnet2 https://testnet2.matic.network
testnetv3 https://testnetv3.matic.network
alpha.ethereum https://alpha.ethereum.matic.network
betav2 https://betav2.matic.network
ropsten infura node url
  • token

name token
maticeth the native coin on these testnets
testErc20 TEST token - can be used to deposit/withdraw from Matic networks
  • ethereum address

your ethereum address

Response format

Status code: 200

	hash: 0x2323... 

Status code: 500

	err: {
  • hash transaction hash

Example Usage

curl http://localhost:3000/ropsten/testErc20/0x96C42C56fdb78294F96B0cFa33c92bed7D75F96a

HTTP Return / error codes

  • 200 : Request OK
  • 400 : Invalid address
  • 500 : error (greylisted/ tx error)