
Remote query gives json serializability error

mdobson-cs opened this issue · 1 comments

I am interested in sending in remote queries to BayesDB. I've installed BayesDB with CrossCat on a VM and then installed the BayesDB project on my local (to just the client). I've create a client on my local and am able to run a CREATE TABLE query on the database without problems. However, I get a JSON serializability error once I run a SELECT query. See code below.

from bayesdb.client import Client
c = Client(bayesdb_host='X.X.X.X', bayesdb_port=XXXX)
c('CREATE BTABLE dhatable FROM ~/Development/BayesDB/examples/dha/dha.csv;')
c('SELECT * FROM dhatable LIMIT 5;')

Error Message:
TypeError: ([([''], {'column_id': [('', 0)]})], {'function': [(([''], {'column_id': [('', 0)]}), 0)]}) is not JSON serializable

I just wanted to check in and let you know that I've reproduced the error and am tracking down the cause.