
Remote INITIALIZE MODELS query error

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I'm trying to run the following queries remotely, but I'm running into the error below when I run the INITIALIZE query.

from client import Client

# Connect to BayesDB in out-of-box VM
c = Client(bayesdb_host='x.x.x.x', bayesdb_port=xxxx)=
c('CREATE BTABLE mytable FROM ~/Development/BayesDB/examples/dha/dha.csv;')
c('INITIALIZE 20 MODELS FOR mytable;')

This is the content of the returned request object after making the INITIALIZE query

{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "1", "error": {"message": "initialize() got an unexpected keyword argument 'row_initialization'", "code": 0, "data": ["initialize() got an unexpected keyword argument