
Connect / Disconnect / ChangeURL anytime and multiple sockets

ptheofan opened this issue · 0 comments

I know this has been referenced a lot and found a number of duplicates each asking for a tiny bit of each of a major feature upgrade that was missing also from the original vue-socket-io as well.



  1. Multiple socket-io connections (multiple servers)
  • It is very common that we need to connect to multiple different servers each server for a different purpose.
  1. Connection string at runtime
  • We do not always have a fixed url.
  • We normally need to supply a jwt auth token during connection which is available only after user login.
  • I do not want to stay connected when I no longer need the connection (ie. user navigated to different page)
  1. Protect the app from sending messages that will never arrive since not already connected.

Proposed solution:
Out of the top of my head, allow "naming" and dynamically creating clients. This could look like the following.

Vue.use(...., sockets: [
  { name: 'chat', ... }, { name: 'notifs', ... }, { name: 'coins', ...}

This should generate socketio wrapper objects something like


The wrapper objects hold the socketio state and reflect it.

SocketContainer {
  #socket = null;
  #url = null;
  #connected = false;

  // when connected, bind to socketio events and update local state accordingly
  // if url is provided in the initial options establish connection (backwards compatibility)
  // have a connect(url) method
  // have a disconnect(url) method

Is anyone with time available strong enough with vuejs2 to take it on?
I would very much like to help however my vuejs knowledge is not as extended so would require a lot of help when it comes to the vuejs plugin tricks.

This is of course an RFC so please feel free to contribute to the proposal.