
Enquiry about status of this project

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Not an issue but a question ― is this now practically speaking an abandoned project, or is it just perfect enough so that no further development has been necessary since 2016 within the implemented feature set? I wonder what folks here think...

Would you otherwise recommend any specific Java library for the time being, along the lines of Scala's Figaro? I think looks nice in terms of its accounting for concurrency, but it looks kind of newish too.

This project is actively being developed. However, the project repository is at bitbucket ( and we synchronize this repository occasionally for visibility. I need it to set up a script to keep these repositories in sync but didn't get around to do this until now. Will do.

It would actually be nice if the git repo said something about this, since git is so standard these days. Does the github repository ever get pulled back into the bitbucket one?

Okay, but the last commit on master is two years old now. Is development the only relevant branch? how lively would you consider the project at this point in time?

why don't you ask the committers. i too would love to see a new release