
Memory error for big discrete Bayesian networks

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I tried to use SPPL to rn several BNs from bnrepository, The script I create is attached at It reported following error, could you have a look if I use the library wrong?

"python3.8/site-packages/sppl/compilers/", line 360, in compile
tree = ast.parse(source_prime)
File "python3.8/", line 47, in parse
return compile(source, filename, mode, flags,

fsaad commented

Hi @shiruizhao, thank you for trying SPPL.

The issue is stemming from the Python standard library, specifically the parser in the ast module.

The string data in your program is too long, or perhaps too nested, to be parsed by the Python parser, and according to this ticket from 2008, the issue is marked as "wont fix".

As a workaround could you try writing all the if/else as standard code blocks, instead of using the syntax with nested expressions? That is, instead of

C_NI_12_45 ~= choice({'3' : 0.5, '4' : 0.4, '5' : 0.1, '6' : 0.0}) if (C_NI_12_30 == '3') else (choice({'3' : 0.2, '4' : 0.55, '5' : 0.2, '6' : 0.05}) if (C_NI_12_30 == '4') else (choice({'3' : 0.1, '4' : 0.3, '5' : 0.5, '6' : 0.1}) if (C_NI_12_30 == '5') else (choice({'3' : 0.0, '4' : 0.15, '5' : 0.25, '6' : 0.6}))))


if (C_NI_12_30 == '3'):
    C_NI_12_45 ~= choice({'3' : 0.5, '4' : 0.4, '5' : 0.1, '6' : 0.0})
elif (C_NI_12_30 == '4'):
    C_NI_12_45 ~= choice({'3' : 0.2, '4' : 0.55, '5' : 0.2, '6' : 0.05}
elif (C_NI_12_30 == '5'):
    C_NI_12_45 ~= choice({'3' : 0.1, '4' : 0.3, '5' : 0.5, '6' : 0.1}
    C_NI_12_45 ~= choice({'3' : 0.0, '4' : 0.15, '5' : 0.25, '6' : 0.6}

Thanks for your reply. @fsaad
Following your advice, I updated the script at It reported another error as following:
File "", line 6881, in <module> namespace = compiler.execute_module() File "/users/micas/szhao/no_backup/software/anaconda3/envs/gem5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sppl/compilers/", line 419, in execute_module exec(code, namespace) File "<string>", line 6893, in <module> File "/users/micas/szhao/no_backup/software/anaconda3/envs/gem5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sppl/compilers/", line 134, in interpret return reduce(lambda S, c: c.interpret(S), self.commands, spe) File "/users/micas/szhao/no_backup/software/anaconda3/envs/gem5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sppl/compilers/", line 134, in <lambda> return reduce(lambda S, c: c.interpret(S), self.commands, spe) File "/users/micas/szhao/no_backup/software/anaconda3/envs/gem5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sppl/compilers/", line 93, in interpret return interpret_if_block(spe, events, subcommands) File "/users/micas/szhao/no_backup/software/anaconda3/envs/gem5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sppl/compilers/", line 152, in interpret_if_block assert allclose(logsumexp(weights_conditioned), 0) AssertionError

fsaad commented

I have two suggestions regarding your use case.

  1. The error you are seeing means that the probabilities are not close enough to one.

That is, try to change

CKNI_12_00 ~= choice({'20_MG_L' : 0.3333333,'30_MG_L' : 0.3333333,'40_MG_L' : 0.3333333})


CKNI_12_00 ~= choice({'20_MG_L' : 1./3, '30_MG_L' : 1./3, '40_MG_L' : 1./3})
  1. To make the program compile more effectively, rather than using flat "if-else" blocks with large conjunctions to encode the conditional probability tables, instead write nested "if-else" statements without any and or &.

That is, try to change

if ((CNOD_12_00 == '0_5_MG_L') and (CBODN_12_00 == '5_MG_L') and (CKNN_12_00 == '0_5_MG_L') and (CNON_12_00 == '2_MG_L')):	CNON_12_15 ~= choice({'2_MG_L' : 0.9555, '4_MG_L' : 0.0445, '6_MG_L' : 0.0, '10_MG_L' : 0.0})
elif ((CNOD_12_00 == '0_5_MG_L') and (CBODN_12_00 == '5_MG_L') and (CKNN_12_00 == '0_5_MG_L') and (CNON_12_00 == '4_MG_L')):	CNON_12_15 ~= choice({'2_MG_L' : 0.0056, '4_MG_L' : 0.9944, '6_MG_L' : 0.0, '10_MG_L' : 0.0})


if CNOD_12_00 == '0_5_MG_L':
  if CBODN_12_00 == '5_MG_L':
    if CKNN_12_00 == '0_5_MG_L':
      if CNON_12_00 == '2_MG_L':
        CNON_12_15 ~= choice({'2_MG_L' : 0.9555, '4_MG_L' : 0.0445, '6_MG_L' : 0.0, '10_MG_L' : 0.0})
      elif CNON_12_00 == '2_MG_L'
        CNON_12_15 ~= choice({'2_MG_L' : 0.0056, '4_MG_L' : 0.9944, '6_MG_L' : 0.0, '10_MG_L' : 0.0})

N.B: In SPPL, the conjunction symbol is the logical operator & (i.e., Python's __and__) not the special keyword and, and similarly the disjunction symbol is the logical operator | not or.

Thanks for your help! Following your suggestion, it works now.
But even with "if-else" statements, the compile procedure is very time-consuming. How can I run the compiler and inference separately?

fsaad commented

I ran your code end-to-end and the compilation phase took around 40 minutes using Intel Core i7-8665U @ 1.90GHz, 4 cores, 8 threads. Here is the output on the query phase:

--- 0.19036364555358887 seconds ---
--- 0.18459010124206543 seconds ---
--- 0.18774628639221191 seconds ---
--- 0.19208240509033203 seconds ---

(FYI, your program has a typo in line 8056: events[i] should be event[i].)

But even with "if-else" statements, the compile procedure is very time-consuming. How can I run the compiler and inference separately?

This is a really good question. One way to think of model compilation in SPPL is that, as a subroutine, it "pre-solves" a large collection of inference problems (which correspond not only to all marginals, but also arbitrary subsets of all marginals, among others). These solutions are indirectly encoded in the compiled artifact. Thus, solving queries against the compiled representation, like the ones in your benchmark, is designed to be fast and the representation reusable across multiple different queries. To save the compiled model, you can serialize it as a JSON string and then write to and load it from disk, see, e.g.,

In general, when going from a Bayes Net to a sum-product network, it is perfectly possible for the representation to scale exponentially. Because Bayes Net inference is known to scales exponentially in the tree-width (which in a bad case could be roughly equal to the size of the original graph) and SPN inference scales linearly in the size of the graph for simple queries, for these bounds to match up, the corresponding SPN must be exponentially large. The actual size of the SPN will depend on the conditional independences in the Bayes Net: the more CIs there are, the smaller the compiled model will be.

That said, there are many opportunities to speed up the translation process, which is currently implemented in unoptimized Python 3 with interpretation overhead and dynamic error checking.

Thanks for your detail explaination! As a hareware designer, I'd like to build energy-efficent chip for prob. inference with real-time constraint, I assume the translation could be done offline on a server whilethe queries of SPN may need to be run on the edge device with more power/runtime constraint, so I focus on the inference phase. I am running a whole bunch of benchmark of discrete BNs, if you are interested, I can share with you the results when I finish it.
Thanks again for your help!

fsaad commented

You are very welcome.

I assume the translation could be done offline on a server whilethe queries of SPN may need to be run on the edge device with more power/runtime constraint, so I focus on the inference phase

That is right. For large discrete Bayesian network with arbitrary conditional probability tables we expect that the translation runtime will exceed the query (inference) runtime. Thus, translation is best done "offline" whereas queries can be solved quickly in the online phase.

I am running a whole bunch of benchmark of discrete BNs, if you are interested, I can share with you the results when I finish it.

Please do share your results, and feel free to open any more tickets if you have questions or issues with the software.