Air | Staff Frontend Developer Challenge

Check out the live demo of the Air Gallery app here!

Main Dependencies

  • Masonic 3.7: A performant and versatile virtualized masonry grid for React based on Brian Vaughn's react-virtualized and further inspired by react-window.

  • Next 14: Next.js is a popular React framework that provides server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, and other advanced features to help you build modern web applications.

  • @air/react-drag-to-select: A highly-performant React library which adds drag-to-select to your app.

  • React 18: React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows you to create reusable UI components and efficiently update and render them based on changes in data.

  • React-dnd 16: React DnD (Drag and Drop) is a set of React components that enable you to build complex drag and drop interfaces. It provides a simple API for handling drag and drop interactions.

  • React-dnd-html5-backend: React DnD HTML5 Backend is a HTML5 backend implementation for React DnD. It uses the HTML5 drag and drop API to handle drag and drop interactions.

  • React-infinite-scroll-component: React Infinite Scroll Component is a React component that enables you to implement infinite scrolling in your application. It dynamically loads more content as the user scrolls.

  • React-virtualized: React Virtualized is a set of React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data. It uses virtualization techniques to only render the visible portion of the list, improving performance.

  • React-virtualized-image-measurer: React Virtualized Image Measurer is a utility for measuring the dimensions of images in a virtualized list. It helps to optimize the rendering of images by providing their dimensions in advance.