int() works on String
edringel opened this issue · 4 comments
Documentation does not indicate that int() will perform correctly on a String variable, which it does.
URL(s) of affected page(s)
Proposed fix
change the following
Description | Converts any value of a primitive data type (boolean, byte, char, color, float, int, or long) to its integer representation.When an array of values is passed in, then an int array of the same length is returned.
to the following
Description | Converts any value of a primitive data type (boolean, byte, char, color, float, int, or long) or String to its integer representation.When an array of values is passed in, then an int array of the same length is returned.
can I do this?
So, I don't understand the process or etiquette involved here. As far as I am concerned, if you have the rights and authority to make the change it would be good. Thank you
@khan-rehan -- go ahead and create a PR referencing this issue and @prisonerjohn or @REAS will merge it (at least, I can't see any reason why they wouldn't in this case!). Be sure to make your PR editable.
Also, be patient, please -- PRs on docs are reviewed and merged in batches, so they may be handled immediately or they may take a month or two. My last few docs PRs averaged about six weeks.
Thank you. I've updated this. It will be online soon.