Error compiling with rebar3
Closed this issue · 8 comments
yokomizor commented
Running rebar3 compile
causes this error:
===> Verifying dependencies...
===> Compiling stun
===> Compiling /Users/rogerioyokomizo/projects/stun/c_src/*.c
===> clang: error: no such file or directory: 'c_src/*.c'
clang: error: no input files
Turning provider_hooks off solves the problem:
- {[provider_hooks], IsRebar3,
- AppendList([{pre, [
- {compile, {pc, compile}},
- {clean, {pc, clean}}
- ]}]), []},
yokomizor commented
yokomizor commented
Possible workaround:
prefiks commented
Ups, you are right, must have left that when i ported rebar.config from different project.
yokomizor commented
Looks like it is a port_compiler problem.
prefiks commented
This is problem in our rebar.config.script, i try to call those hooks, without loading pc plugin.
yokomizor commented
Great, thanks!
btw, maybe you can remove the plugin declaration as well:
- AppendList([rebar3_hex, pc]), []},
+ AppendList([rebar3_hex]), []},